Thursday, August 1, 2013

Women in the Moroccan Sahara : The fatter the better

Beautiful Women from the Great Sahara

In every society, being fat is something unloved ... No one wants to be overweight, and obese people, even in developed countries, suffer from social issues like loneliness, anxiety and depression. Most people consider a fat man or woman as a ugly or hideous person. This is very offensive and unfortunately, it's internationally popular (particularly between teenagers and young adults), but not here in Southern Morocco. Here, in the majority of the Great Sahara - it can vary from one region to another but the notion is the same - a fat woman is a hot one.

Women in the Moroccan Sahara : The fatter the better

Women in the Moroccan Sahara : The fatter the better


Unusually and weirdly, Shakira, Rihanna and Kim Kardashian are not sexy women anymore! Sporty girls are just skinny, athletic shapes are as ugly as sticks and perfect bodies no longer are perfect. A man from the Great Sahara, in any event, do still hold the same features and definitions of the beauty : the most important qualifier is the heavy body.
Women in the Moroccan Sahara : The fatter the better


At a very young age, mothers begin to make their daughters ready for marital life, they prepare them physically. Fathers seem to be proud of their fleshy daughters, and kind of ashamed if they have a thin kid (some fathers consider their skinny daughters as a curse). Young men are racing for winning the heart of the fattest (the princess), and the one who marry a fat, beefy girl is the lucky one. Girls themselves are proud to have a chubby body.
Women in the Moroccan Sahara : The fatter the better


The whole Sahara believe in one single thing when it comes to beauty, even stars (singers and actresses) have the same perspective : The fatter the better.
Saida Charaf, The best known singer from Sahara
Saida Charaf, The best known singer from Sahara


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